Saturday, January 21, 2006

Keep Sleeping, Angolmois

It's kinna weird.
It's already 2006.
It's kinna weird always for me to see
A year starting with a “20”.

It's kinna weird.
It's been already seven years
Since the date the world
Was supposed to end.

Did Angolmois oversleep?

Although it's kinnna weird
The world keeps turning, anyway.

Perhaps an unfulfilled prophecy
Might mean continuous pains.
But at least for me
Angolmois' inaction brought
Quite a few precious people

Around me.

It's you here, it's you there
And it's you shy over there but
Always giving me light like the moon.

So I thank the horrible king for
Forgetting falling down to earth.

Please keep sleeping, Angolmois.
Even though it is not perfect,
I still love this world.


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