Friday, February 03, 2006

The Kingdom is for the Effortless (Lk 18)

Do you like to be forced?
Do you like to be force-fed?
Do you like to be forced to work?

I believe the answer is "No".

Force-fed kids cry and
Slaves wail.
You won't see the right way there.

Nature's way is so effortless.
When it bumps into an obstacle
She will never struggle but
Soon will find another way.
She will never force herself.

Do you like to make efforts?
I think the answer probably is "Yes".
But it comes from the surface of you
That cares so much about
How others see you.

You don't like to be forced.
Neither does the Holy Spirit
That resides deep within you.
When you force your will on Her
She'll just slip away.

She loves the Nature's comfort.
She loves to have much fun.
That's why Jesus says
You've gotta be like a child
If you want to enter
The Kingdom of God.

So stop making efforts.
Be curious like a kid or a cat.
Then the Holy Spirit will help you open
The door to the Wonderful New World.

So relax and have fun!
Because efforts will never lead you
To the Kingdom of God.

(Luke 18:15-17)

The origin of "Effort": Old French esfort, from esforcier "to force".


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