Thank You!
This lotus flower is called Inner Lignt.
Thank you Mom for suggesting a plastic surgery!
But it does not matter. I can live with this face.
Regardless of how far I was away from being handsome,
There always were some girls who liked me, anyway.
Thank you Dad for suggesting a name change!
But it does not matter. I've picked up a middle name.
Even though my legal name does not sound good,
I can simply use another name for jobs and with friends.
Thank you Teachers for denying my national identity!
But it does not matter any more. I emigrated.
Because you stripped away my sense of belonging
I have come to feel the entire world as my home.
Thank you all for not liking my surface identity!
Because all your suggestions have enabled me
To explore my True Self deep inside of me.
Well, frankly speaking I wish you'd been kinder to me.
But even though your words were harsh
Now I know they came from love, anyway.
So I forgive you now.
Thank you for opening a door to the Truth for me!
Now I know I am not just what I am seen to you all...
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