Friday, May 12, 2006

Few Days Off...

It's suddenly got awful hot (somewhere around 30 C/90 F) and humid here in Hong Kong and I feel darn tired... I cannot come up with even a few trashy ideas during garbage collection... So I take a few days' rest to empty myself...

I guess I'll be back on next Monday.

Anyway, thank you for visiting Alaqa! blogspaces!

Thursday, May 11, 2006


This is my holy place, the place where I receive inspiration from my Muse. No wonder I always write trashy poems... I am a garbage collector, anyway...

After a few days' frikking trash production
My soul is almost empty.
So to my sanctuary near the garbage bin I come
Hoping that my Muse would tell me something.

But alas!
She hasn't much to tell me now, either,
And just says that "Nature abhors vacuum."

Well, it's not time for me to take out more trash
But it's time for me to wait for a while
So the garbage bin of my soul is filled again.

So I keep my soul empty and wait for
A kiss of my Muse.
I don't have to make any efforts
Because I know she'll fill my soul soon...

(But I am struggling... I am making efforts to write... I can stop making efforts. I can take a rest. Relax! So that some good things fill my soul so easily and so naturally....)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My Prayer To Artemis/Phoebe

An ancient Greek inscription of "Phoebe"

O! Come my dear Artemis!
I empty myself and
Throw myself in front of You
So that You can renew me
With Your gentle energy
And illuminate resources
Hidden deep inside of me
With your gentle light.

So I take a walk tonight
So that I can recharge myself
With your gentle moonlight...

O! My dear Phoebe!
Please turn your face to me
So that I can be aware of
What I have always had
Under your gentle light.

Monday, May 08, 2006

God's Product Liability

Why do Fundamentalists long for Jehovah's version of the End of the World, which seems to be even worse cronyism than that of Suharto or Ferdinand Marcos?

If Jehovah decides to
Destroy this world with
All the non-Christians tomorrow,
I'll make a petition to him
So that I will be removed from
His list of "To be saved."

I'll be so lonely in New Jerusalem
Because all my beloved ones
Won't be there...

I'll be so uncomfy in New Jerusalem
Thinking about billions of souls
Sent to the eternal concentration camp.

They cannot even perish
But Have to suffer for ever!!!
Is it the work of God of Love?

I don't think I can be very happy
When all my beloved are to be
Grilled with eternal fire.

I'd rather accompany them
Even if I'd have to be burnt forever...

God should be a responsible producer.
If He wants to put an end to this world someday,
I want Him to purify and save everyone
Not only the ones who stick to His obsolete rules
Because we all are His products...


If you are tired of angry God, you can find a good solution in Finding Your Religion by Rev. Scotty McLennan introduced in my previous post. I also recommnd to such a person A Course In Miracles (ACIM), Unitarian Universalist Association or works of Ven. Thich Nhat Hanh such as Living Buddha, Living Christ.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Unconscious Time Machine

Tardis, the time machine camouflaged as a British police call box from 1950s in BBC's Si-Fi series Doctor Who

The unconscious mind is your time machine
That can take you to any time or any place.
You only have to think about
What time and which place you want go
It'll take you immediately to
The past or the future as you wish.

I feel as if you were always
Standing by me, smiling...

If you can feel like this
About your beloved ones far apart,
You are already a skiller driver
Of your own splendid time machine!

So talk to your Wisdom
Deep inside your mind...
Time and Space has
No meaning to Her.

*My poor translation of lines from Sunrise by Japanese pop music duo Puffy. (Available from For details click the picture above.)

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