Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Just Make It Up Yourself!

Lo Ka-ying 羅家英 as a monk in Stephen Chow's 周星馳 Journey To The West 大話西遊, one of my most favourite nonsense comedy movies.

Oh, Sariputra, form does not differ from the void,
And the void does not differ from form.
Form is void and void is form;
The same is true for feelings,
Perceptions, volitions and consciousness...*
- Heart Sutra

Tired of the search for the meaning of life?
Then simply put it aside.
I guess you might never find it

After many, many years of spritual journey.

What is the meaning of life, anyway?

Is it something that you can find outside

Just like some coins someone dropped

On the sidewalk or on the beach?

The meaning of life is nothing but
A nice label you can stick on yourself
So that you'd look better, isn't it?

Then you can easily make it up
And stick it on your forehead.

When you don't like it anymore,

Just make another one up.

You can't pick up the meaning of life
On the sidewalk or even on the beach.

No, you can't wait for someone
To give it to you, either.
Actually there are helluvalot teachers
Who'd like to lead you for their own gains.

So just make up one that you feel reliable
And keep it in your heart as a light unto your feet
At least while it can lead you...

When you give your meaning to your life,
You can really get along with yourself.

舍利子, 色不異空, 空不異色, 色即是空, 空即是色; 受想行識, 亦復如是。-心經( 唐朝玄奘法師漢譯版)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

On a Tiny Blue Grain of Sand

Even this gigantic twirl of light is just a speckle in the entire Universe...

Our address is
A tiny blue grain of sand near
A yellow hot pebble at the middle of
An arm of a huge twirl of light
That is actually a mere speckle
In this gigantic Universe.

We are just like microbes
Hanging onto this blue grain.
We are so insignificantly small
But our mind is just deep enough
To perceive our insignificance
And the bewildering size
Of this Universe.

Isn't it already extremely significant?

Nothing is too big to be
Placed in our mind.
Although it takes some efforts,
We can house even
The entire Universe within us.

We know only as little about
Our inner universe as the outer one.
Since it does not cost much money,
I want to set out for an exploration
Of this deep and vast Universe
Within me.